Bush Fellowship

Deadline: 15 Oct
Eligibility: Global, under 24 years old
The Bush Fellowship is an investment in people and their capacity to do more good for the region — and it’s super flexible.
Up to 30 Bush Fellows are selected to receive up to $150,000 over two years to grow their capacity, knowledge and network to lead. Fellows come from all sectors, including business, nonprofit, and government.
Fellows have a vision for radical change they see is needed in — and informed by — their community. To pursue that change, they have a clear idea of how to design a Fellowship plan that helps them bring their ideas to life. The Fellowship is not about working on a project, it’s about your personal growth as a leader.
Bush Fellows are committed to leading equitably to create large-scale change. They have influence with a proven track record of making good change happen. They are experienced problem solvers, able to get results. They are sought after for help, advice, connections and inspiration. They bring in wide-ranging perspectives to help inform and make decisions. They don’t let obstacles stop them. They make mistakes and learn from them. They generously share what they know and help others grow as leaders.
While this is an incredibly competitive program — in recent years, we’ve averaged 600+ applications — we also hear from applicants that the process itself was valuable in helping them think about their own roles and ability to create change.
If this sounds like you or someone you know, please check out the Bush Fellowship!