CCP Fellowships

Deadline: 5 Dec
Eligibility: Global, 25 years old or more
The CrossCulture Program (CCP) Fellowships awards between 55 and 60 scholarships to professionals and volunteers from over 40 countries. The scholarship holders complete a two to three month professional stay with host organizations in Germany or in CCP partner countries. In doing so, they expand their specialist knowledge, make valuable contacts and deepen their intercultural skills. The host organizations, in turn, benefit from the specialist knowledge, regional knowledge and networks of the scholarship holders.
Participants also have the opportunity to take part in transcultural workshops, networking and specialist events organized by the CCP. After their return, the experiences they have gained abroad will be incorporated into their work in their home organization.

The CCP Fellowships 2025 are offered as on-site scholarships . Depending on their personal situation and current entry regulations, scholarship holders can also participate in the program digitally. The program will take place subject to funding from the Federal Foreign Office.

Application Link: Apply here