GOAL NextGen Youth Programme

Deadline: Apr 1
Eligibility: Ireland, Ethiopia, Honduras, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Syria, Turkey, Uganda, or Zimbabwe (18-25)

Over these 10 sessions, participants will work with peers globally to develop skills in critical thinking, intercultural communication, project management, teamwork, and the fundamentals of organising and implementing public awareness campaigns.

By taking part you will be empowered to:

  • Understand the diverse and interconnected nature of our world.

  • Critically interrogate the systems that perpetuate inequalities.

  • Reflect upon your own role and the role of others in tackling local and global challenges.

  • Engage in dialogue with others in a spirit of empathy, inclusivity, solidarity and collaboration.

  • Develop the courage, confidence and resilience to speak out for change.

  • Understand the GOAL’s work and have the opportunity to connect with GOAL staff.

    In order to support participation, stipends will be available for all successful participants. Stipends are intended to cover costs of internet and data as well as any travel costs incurred during the programme.

    Stipends of €400 for the duration of the programme are available for all successful participants.

Learn more: Apply here